



Make a donation to the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) Infrastructure Fund, and Receive a Wealth Mascot to Receive the Wealth Deity in the New Year 2025


2025 乙巳年「新春接財神吉祥信物」金蛇狂舞,笛蕭奏樂,長壽吉祥,財氣旺旺來! 紅色聚寶盆,代表財神來自東方,聚寶盆 裝滿金銀珠寶,寓意新年盆滿缽滿。
笛與蕭 寓意吸引十方貴人及好運,
吉祥結 寓意長壽,七顆財神珠 寓意增加財富。

獲取「2025年接財神吉祥信物」方式: (1)至各地真佛宗道場



美金USD 88 、馬幣RM398、台幣TWD2880、印尼幣Rp1.388k 、新幣SGD120

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM


  1. 線上刷卡將根據當天美金匯率計算
  2. 未成功贊助付款,七天後預訂表自動無效
  3. 若貨不足,需等新一批的吉祥物後再寄出,敬請耐心等待
  4. 運費依照從亞洲寄出到各個國家的價格,以網絡市價,隨時會進行調整。

True Buddha Foundation (TBF)

2025 Yi Si Year’s Wealth Mascot
The golden snake dances in a frenzy, with flutes and xiao playing music; longevity, auspiciousness, wealth and prosperity come surging in!
The red treasure-gathering pot represents the wealth deity coming from the East, while the treasure-gathering pot brimming with gold, silver, and gems implies a bountiful new year.
The flute and xiao imply attracting benefactors from the ten directions and good luck, while the auspicious knot implies longevity, and the seven wealth deity beads imply an increase in wealth.

Ways to obtain the 2025 Wealth Mascot:
(1) Make a donation at your local True Buddha cultivation venue
(2) Log in to the “True Buddha Meritorious Association” website to make a donation.

Please visit the link below or scan the QR code to log in:

Size: Height 16cm, Width 14cm
Material: Resin, Weight: 0.5kg

The snake symbolizes abundance and the creation of life, as well as protection and defense, implying longevity, auspiciousness, and plentiful wealth.

We welcome everyone to make a donation to the "TBF Infrastructure Fund" to receive a limited edition 2025 Wealth Mascot, to prepare for abundant blessings and brilliance in the upcoming year.
USD 88, MYR 398, TWD 2880, IDR 1.388k, SGD 120
(The above sponsorship amounts do not include shipping for certain regions and additional shipping fees may apply.)

Dates for Receiving the Wealth Deity in the New Year: (Choose one day and time for the ritual)
Date: (Lunar Calendar) The second or sixteenth day of the new year
Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

*True Buddha Foundation owns the design copyright of the wealth mascot, please refrain from imitation*

Note: Please pay attention to the following points!
  1. Online credit card transactions will be calculated based on the exchange rate of the day.
  2. If the sponsorship payment is unsuccessful, the filled in form will automatically expire after seven days.
  3. If there is insufficient stock, the wealth mascots can only be shipped when the next batch of items are available. Please be patient.
  4. Shipping fees are based on the cost of shipping from Asia to various countries, and may be subject to adjustment at any time according to current market rates.

Donate to the TBF Infrastructure Fund:

先登入或註冊成為「真佛功德總會」會員,再按照指示進行匯款或付款。 (系統將自動記錄您的累計捐款金額,歡迎您加入成為會員。)
First, log in or register for an account on the True Buddha Meritorious Association website, then follow the instructions to make an online donation payment.
(The system will automatically record/tally your total accumulated donation amount. We welcome you to join as a member.)

One-time sponsorship
Fill in your personal/mailing information directly, then proceed with remittance or payment.

Donate to the TBF Infrastructure Fund
Make a donation to the TBF Infrastructure Fund (USD 88, MYR 398, TWD 2880, IDR 1.388k, SGD 120), and receive a limited edition gift — a wealth mascot to receive the wealth deity in the new year 2025.

  1. 線上刷卡將根據當天美金匯率計算
  2. 未成功贊助付款,七天後預訂表自動無效
  3. 若貨不足,需等新一批的吉祥物後再寄出,敬請耐心等待
  4. 運費依照從亞洲寄出到各個國家的價格,以網絡市價,隨時會進行調整。
Note: Please pay attention to the following points!
  1. Online credit card transactions will be calculated based on the exchange rate of the day.
  2. If the sponsorship payment is unsuccessful, the filled in form will automatically expire after seven days.
  3. If there is insufficient stock, the wealth mascots can only be shipped when the next batch of items are available. Please be patient.
  4. Shipping fees are based on the cost of shipping from Asia to various countries, and may be subject to adjustment at any time according to current market rates.
贊助數量 :
Quantity of Wealth Mascots Sponsored
Personal/Shipping information
*請填上中文英文姓名,以便郵寄作用。 *Please fill in names in both Chinese and English, for shipping logistics purposes.
Please fill in O if this is not applicable

If you have any inquiries, please contact:

宗委會辦事處-1 TBF-SEA
電話/WhatsApp: +1-6047266518
LINE ID:tbf-seattle
USA, Canada, and Europe time zone:
TBF Administrative Office 1 TBF-SEA
Phone/WhatsApp: +1-6047266518
LINE ID:tbf-seattle

宗委會辦事處-2 TBF-TWN
電話/WhatsApp: +886-965352639
LINE ID:tbf0965352639twn
Taiwan, Asia, and other time zones:
TBF Administrative Office 2 TBF-TWN
Phone/WhatsApp: +886-965352639
LINE ID:tbf0965352639twn

電話/ WhatsApp:+60-124502338
Southeast Asia (limited to cultivation venues):
Persekutuan Agama Buddha Tantrayana Chen Foh Chong Malaysia (The Federation of True Buddha School Malaysia)
Dharma Instructor Lian Hua Xi Mei
Phone/WhatsApp: +60-124502338

電話/ WhatsApp:+60-147946794
Asia/Southeast Asia region
Phone/WhatsApp: +60-147946794